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MAMMOTH WVH Release New Single "Take A Bow"

With the band in the middle of an extensive European tour and their debut single "Another Celebration at the End of the World" in the Top 10 at Active Rock radio in the US, MAMMOTH WVH - the brainchild of Wolfgang Van Halen - is releasing another song from the upcoming album. "Take A Bow" is the third song released from the 10-track album Mammoth II that is slated for release on August 4th via BMG. "Take A Bow" is the longest track on the record and in the MAMMOTH WVH catalog clocking in at 6:54. The song is anchored by Wolfgang's memorable lyrics, driving rhythm section and unforgettable guitar solo that was played on the original Frankenstein guitar and through his father's original amps. The song is available via all digital service providers and anyone that pre-orders the album digitally will receive the track as an instant download. A lyric video for the new song can be seen BELOW.

"It was the last song we finished. It's officially the longest song I've released to date, and I feel the guitar solo is really special. I played the solo on the original Frankenstein guitar and through Dad's original Marshall head and one of the original cabinets. It's straight up what he used on the earliest VAN HALEN records. It makes me happy to capture some of dad's history on this song forever," explains Wolfgang.

Continuing the tradition of writing all of the songs and performing all of the instrumentation and vocals himself, GRAMMY Award nominee Wolfgang Van Halen set out to challenge himself to expand his sound beyond what people had already come to know him for. From the rocking opener "Right?" to BEATLES-esque fade-on closer "Better Than You", Mammoth II showcases the growth of Wolfgang as a songwriter, musician, and especially vocalist. Songs like "Miles Above Me", "I'm Alright" and "Waiting" are all sonically different from each other but unique to what MAMMOTH WVH is. The debut single from Mammoth II is the upbeat rocker "Another Celebration at the End of the World" and the video is an 8:25 introduction to the MAMMOTH WVH live band that was directed by Gordy De St. Jeor. The video can be seen here: A lyric video for the instant grat track and new live show favorite "Like A Pastime" was released and can be seen here: Recorded at the legendary 5150 studio, Mammoth II was produced by friend and collaborator Michael "Elvis" Baskette and is available for pre-order in multiple configurations here:

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