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GYPSY PISTOLEROS Release Single ‘Una Para Todo Es Bandido’

GYPSY PISTOLEROS, the flamenco glam sleaze rock n roll pioneers, have signed a worldwide record deal with Golden Robot Global Entertainment / RIOT Records, (home to L.A Guns, Phil X, and Gilby Clarke.

Gypsy Pistoleros return with an August 28th release, ‘The Greatest Flamenco Sleaze Glam Band Ever!‘ – a best-of 18 track anthology album. The first single, ‘Una para todo es Bandido’ is out now!

‘Una para todo es Bandido’ encompasses what Gypsy Pistoleros are all about. One minute you could be sitting in Cabo sipping the most exquisite tequila the next you are downing pints in an underground club in London. Unique, engaging and dangerous, it pounces between upbeat Mariachi and street born-and-bred sleaze-drenched, fiery, rock.

GYPSY PISTOLEROS are still something truly unique and interesting in today’s predictable musical landscape. A sound and style that mixes sleazy glam punk rock with flamenco influences with a shout out to Mexican folklore and Spanish tendencies.

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