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2020 Armstrong MetalFest Cancelled Due to Covid

The 2020 edition of British Columbia's Armstrong MetalFest has been officially cancelled due to the recommendation by the provincial government for social distancing during the Covid 19 pandemic. Falling under the category of an event hosting a public gathering larger than 50 people, the festival has taken the initiative to not present this year's 2020 line up. The health and safety of attendees is the primary concern and event organizers know it is necessary to make this decision to help protect the public and follow the government guidelines in slowing down the spread of the virus. For more information from the BC Centre For Disease Control, please visit the following link here.

Armstrong MetalFest issued the following statement: "We had to make a very difficult decision, but the health of all metalheads who were planning to attend is our #1 priority. The members of West Metal Entertainment Society hope everyone can stay safe during these troubling times. Armstrong Metalfest will return in 2021!" Scheduled to be held on July 17th and 18th, the 2020 line up was to be the 12th year for British Columbia's largest, loudest and premier event for extreme music in the Okanagan Valley. Tickets that were purchased for the 2020 event can be refunded or be kept for future use with the choice of attending one of the next three years of the festival. To inquire about ticket refunds, please email info[@]armstrongmetalfest[.]ca.

About: For 11 years running, West Metal Entertainment and Armstrong Metalfest has not only fostered the talent of hundreds of local bands but brought in well-known, international acts to the quiet, little Canadian town of Armstrong, British Columbia.

Each year up to 700 metalheads from Canada and USA descend into the picturesque Okanagan Valley and under the blistering sun they spend 3 days camping, taking in over 30 bands, participating in wrestling events, and scavenger hunts and catching up with their metal family.

The festival has seen such renowned headliners as Kataklysm, Cattle Decapitation, Archspire, and Beyond Creation as well as emerging artists from across North America. At the end of the revelry, the festival disappears without a trace, leaving the landscape as pristine as it has always been.

West Metal Entertainment is a non-profit society that not only puts on Armstrong Metal Festival every year in Armstrong, B.C., but gives bands opportunities to play different venues throughout the region including all-ages shows, to encourage musical passion in kids as well as adults.

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