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Rich Kid Express to release "Bubblegum Radio" 5 song EP

Rich Kid Express to release "Bubblegum Radio" 5 song EP in February 2020 (Date: TBA)

Squib Kick Records Owner had the following to say about the release of "Bubblegum Radio":

This is a solo project by "your's truly" (Rob Richardson) I own the label and am taking a break from other band projects and such to concentrate on doing some of my own music. I've been a drummer for 30+ years and I've tackled the job of doing everything myself. Just wanted to pass along the YouTube link for the "preview/sampler" video showcasing sections of each of the 5 tracks on the EP. It's a 70's glam rock, 80's hard rock mix and you can hear a lot of influences in the music. KISS, The Sweet, Joan Jett, AC/DC and W.A.S.P are some of my biggest influences.

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