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TOM KEIFER "Rise" Album Review

Ever since The Tom Keifer band released their new video “The Death of Me” earlier this month I’ve been anxiously awaiting the release of his second solo album “Rise”, so when it showed up in my inbox today I dropped what I was doing, headed home and cranked it up.

I know there are a lot of people out there who keep waiting for a Cinderella reunion and for as much as I too loved the band, I think Tom is right where he belongs at this point in his career. His first solo album “The Way Life Goes” was easily my album of the year in 2013 and now six year later Tom and his band of stellar musicians drop “Rise”.

“Rise” kicks off with the track “Touching the Divine” a great way to come out the gate swinging with those trademark Tom Keifer howls, some bluesy guitar and backing vocals reminiscent of something you would’ve heard on “Heartbreak Station” .

The debut single “The Death of Me” is a throw back to early Cinderella with hints of “Night Songs” throughout. It’s a slamming’ track that any old school fan should love (You can check out the video below). Tom’s out to prove that vocal surgeries, record label mishaps and whatever else life throws his way is no match for pure will and the love of rock n roll.

“Waiting on the Demons” holy hell can this man sing a ballad like no one else. Has a bit of an early 70’s Stones vibe to it. Put it this way had this song been released in the 80’s Mtv would’ve played this into oblivion. I don’t care what year it is a great song is just a great fucking song!

“Hype” a more modern sounding track, some really cool backing vocals and some really great guitar work. There’s an underlying chug of the guitar that made me smile remembering 1988 Cinderella.

“Rise” another amazing tune, some great moments throughout this one. I can see this song becoming an inspirational song for anyone out there fighting whatever demons they may have. It’s a beautiful song.

“Breaking Down” a bluesy little number that builds slowly and when the chorus kicks in you’ll find yourself nodding along. The Tom Keifer rasp is a live and well on this one.

“Taste For Pain” highlights what an amazing songwriter Tom Keifer is, you can feel every word he’s singing and relate to the pain.

“Life Was Here” another rocker, one hell of a fun track.

“You Believe In Me” this track was written for his wife Savannah. If you’ve ever had the chance to see The Tom Keifer band live then you’ve seen his wife singing backing vocals. With every look and glance it’s an obvious love affair. What a world it would be if we all had someone that could inspire us in this way.

If your an old school Cinderella fan and haven’t checked out Tom’s solo career yet, than now is the time. “Rise” is an amazing album from start to finish. Congratulations on the new album Tom and Thank You!

Seeing the light

Burning out threw my eyes

I crawled the last mile

Shinned in the rain

I’ll stand again


You can pre-order the album HERE

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