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Hell City Glamours to release self-titled debut album on vinyl

HELL CITY GLAMOURS to release their debut album on vinyl for 10th anniversary.

From the Facebook Page of H.C.G. :

4 Years today since our last show ever so we thought we'd announce a little something.


10 years ago we released our first self titled album, to mark it's 10 year anniversary we are doing a (VERY) limited run of vinyl copies of the album, fully remastered for Vinyl.

Along with that we also have some packs of vinyl, cd's, t shirts etc.

On Monday morning we will be putting up the bandcamp links for pre-orders and the albums will be sent out mid-October.

This is a limited run so you will need to get in early on the pre-orders, once these sell out, that's it.


Mo, Oscar, Jono and Robbie

Band Bio:

After a full dozen years of treading the boards Hell City Glamours have decided it's officially time to drink one more for the road then take our bows. With our second and final album coming June 6th 2014 we shall hit the highway to say one last “thank you and goodnight” to all our friends and fans over June and July. And here are some reminiscences and an explanation so no one can start scandalous rumours... Lasting this long as an independent touring rock band is some feat in itself. Throughout these years we have been lucky enough to get to play with our idols and musical heroes, sharing a stage with the likes of the New York Dolls, The Supersuckers, Young Heart Attack, Sebastian Bach, The Angels, Paul Stanley, Alice Cooper, Living Colour, Rose Tattoo, LA Guns, Brides of Destruction and more we have probably forgotten. In fact if you had told us in 2002 when we first started rehearsing in Archi’s garage that we would have played with such people we probably would have laughed in your face. We have also been lucky enough to get to tour around Australia and the USA, release a bunch of recordings we are incredibly proud of, released our 1st album throughout Europe and the UK through Classic Rock Magazine’s ‘Powerage’ imprint and we got to make a whole bunch of great friends in our travels. We would like to dip the hat to all the super dedicated HCG fans, especially those who have given us the honour of having the Hell City Glamours logo tattooed on them. The amount of love we get from people down with the HCG cause is beyond belief. We honestly and truly thank you guys from the bottom of our hearts. Throughout this journey of fun (mostly) and frustration (occasionally) that some would call a "career” we have been lucky enough to be able to play music for you guys at a quality level that we could all proudly stand behind. We have always said that we would continue so long as our music and our live show remained at a level we were proud of. And now the travesties of day-to-day annoyances (also known as the “real world”) have for the first time in our "career" begun to impact those very things. Things such as paying the rent, relationships, personal time and, most importantly, keeping our friendships intact. So rather than let the quality or enjoyment of our music slip or for our friendships to suffer at all, we have decided to call it a day. This parting of ways couldn’t be under better terms as people, as friends and musically. The fact is we all still get along great; we all still love each other dearly. That’s why we decided when we saw some warning signs on the horizon, that before this could erode, we would stop. We began this band as friends and we will end it as exactly that. This has always been a brotherhood and that won’t fade, just us playing music together as “the Hell City Glamours” will. From the bottom of our hearts, we sincerely thank you. Mo, Oscar, Robbie and Jono Hell City Glamours

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