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SnakeyeS "Metal MonsTour 2018"

The "Metal MonsTour 2018" will begin in Spring 2018, with the first half of the year focusing on concerts all around Spain, and will continue for the rest of the year with appearances at summer festivals and SnakeyeS' live debut outside of Spain.

“Metal MonsTour 2018”

9/03/18 Sevilla - Sala La Calle

10/03/18 Cádiz - Sala Supersonic

16/03/18 Cartagena, Murcia - Sala Coyote

17/03/18 Málaga - Sala Onda Pasadena

13/04/18 Madrid - Sala SoundStage

14/04/18 Valladolid - Kerala Club

20/04/18 Salamanca - Sala Nave Bunker

21/04/18 Vigo - Sala Transylvania

18/05/18 Valencia - Sala Paberse Club

19/05/18 Barcelona - Sala Monasterio

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