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Bloody Heels - Interview with Hair Band Heaven recently talked with Bloody Heels lead singer Vicky White about the bands new album "Through Mystery" and of the bands plans for a new video, and music.

HBH: ”Through Mystery” is chocked full of killer material. Which songs came easy and which were harder to nail down?

BH: Hey, Thank you so much, we really appreciate it. Well it was interesting process. First songs we wrote in like 2014 so we had tons of time to polish them. The last song we finished was the title track, just before we went in the studio. That’s the coolest thing about debut albums, you can write songs for as long as you want.

HBH: The band released a great video for the song ‘Cheap Little Liar’ are there plans for more videos from “Through Mystery”?

BH: Yeah, we definitely have. That’s the main thing we are currently working on.


HBH: ’Danger Calling’ could well be our favorite track from the album at the moment, tell us a little about the writing of that one, was it newly written for the album or a song you’d lived with for a while?

BH: Thanks! Probably one of mine favorite too. But Danger Calling was one of the latest songs we wrote for the album. Chris (Bass/Keys) wrote the main chorus synth melody years ago, even before we released “Summer Nights”, like almost five years ago. So when we were writing material for “Through Mystery” I came up with some riff, that later became the songs bridge, anyway I showed it to Harry and he liked it. The next rehearsal Chris showed the melody again, Harry wrote all the other guitar parts and the rest is history. Overall the song was written pretty natural and didn’t take a lot of time. Except the lyrics... Haha

HBH: There are a lot of new bands coming out of Europe these days putting out some great music ( Bloody Heels included ) How does it feel to be a part of the resurgence of Rock n Roll?

BH: It feels great. There are some really great bands out there. And it’s awesome that we are carrying the rock’n’roll flag together, but at the same time we have this friendly competition with each other.

HBH: Take it all the way back for us, what was it that made you realize that music was going to be your life? Was there a defining moment?

BH: I think there wasn’t a defining moment, I knew from the beginning that music is going to be what I do. Music and dancing runs in my family's blood, everyone is somehow connected to music or dancing. I started to sing when I was 5 or 6 years old and even then I knew that’s the thing I want to do my whole life.

HBH: What has been your proudest moment as a band to date?

BH: I think first was the day we released “Through Mystery" and second was this August when we played in our hometown for 30,000 people, that feeling was unreal.

Bloody Heels - One More Time (Acoustic)

HBH: What advice do you have for people who want to form their own band?

BH: Well I guess I’m not gonna say something new, that hasn’t been said thousand times before. But first – find the right dudes you want to work with and spend a lot of time together, work like hell, don’t get scared by the first obstacles, work again, be creative and try to think outside of the box, oh and did I mention WORK ?

HBH: How much stock as an artist do you put in reviews? Do you read them or let them pass you by?

BH: I try to read them all, we are not the biggest band out there, so there are not million reviews. But it’s always interesting.

HBH: What are the bands plans for the remainder of 2017 and into 2018?

BH: As I said before, our main goal now is to film the second video. Also we are writing new material and hopefully we’ll hit the studio next spring.

HBH: Is there anything you would like to add ?

BH: This is only the beginning…

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